The Success of Anti-Author Marc Watson


marc watsonAs a self-proclaimed anti-author, Marc Watson’s success has a lot to do with his unconventional approach; he takes his writing seriously, but he’ll also be the first to tell you, sometimes, he’d rather be fishing on the river or watching his son’s play hockey, and manages to balance his time because he knows the stories he wants to tell are worth writing down. Marc also pushes the boundaries of genre fiction, and captivates readers with the question- -who says you can’t have robots and magic in the same novel? Enter ‘Science Fantasy’ and Marc’s latest release, Catching Hell: Part 2 Destination released by Double Dragon Press.

On the heels of the release of Catching Hell: Part One Journey (April, 2018) which is still fresh in the minds of readers, Part Two Destination (November, 2018) continues the perilous journey of two best friends, Johan and Aryu, as science fiction and fantasy, technology and magic, collide in this epic finisher like no other. Avenging the destruction of their home was their goal, but with much more at stake, the robotic Army of Old, and the mysticism behind the Power, the two brave warriors will have to do more than just fight their fears if they are ever going to bridge the gap between them and reunite.

Marc, also a part-time writing student at the Athabasca University, is known for using a variety of writing styles to write effectively and believably his cross-genre fiction in order to engage readers with thought provoking world building and unforgettable characters.


The second part of this epic duology! A critical blow has been dealt to the robotic Army of the

Old, but at a great price. Broken and weary, best friends Johan and Aryu have been separated while chasing forces from the distant past that they both fear.

Aryu, the man with wings, pursues the enemy while he slowly slips into the enticing magic

Johan stands on the steps of Bankoor, a futuristic city full of wonder and mistrust. Here he must make his stand to avenge his destroyed home and find his friend. As the gap between the brave warriors closes, the worlds of technology and magic will clash!

marc watson2Marc Watson is an author of genre fiction of all lengths and styles. He began writing at the age of 15 and continues to be a part-time writing student at Athabasca University. He has been published on flash fiction site (find his stories here) as well as comedy site

Marc lives in Calgary, Alberta. He is a husband and proud father of two. He is an avid outdoors-man, martial artist, baseball player, and lover of all Mexican foods.

He can be found at online, as well as on Facebook at, and on twitter at @writewatson.

Marc is available for interviews, media appearances, speaking engagements, and/or book review requests – please contact by email or by phone at 403.464.6925.