AtomFilms, MySpace, Funny or Die and Veoh…


What do they all have in common? Reader’s Entertainment TV!
Two weeks ago REC Tv’s hit original comedy show, The Lonesome Losers was featured on Funny or Die! Last week The Lonesome Losers was featured on MySpace! This week we found the guys featured on AtomFilms! And, Veoh featured Circle of Seven Productions, parent company of REC Tv and where REC Tv videos live!

With all of this online exposure REC Tv is reaching readers, finding fans and making history with online reader’s entertainment!

We were very excited when the director of The Lonesome Losers was contacted and asked to have the show entered into a contest where the winner has a chance for a deal with Comedy Central!

The online hit show VIRAL caught up with our Lonesome Losers a couple of weeks ago and interviewed them for the show. We are currently featuring the VIRAL episode on REC Tv on the main player after The Lonesome Losers episode of the week!