Isis, ereaders and Facebook an Interview with Douglas Clegg


Catching up with bestselling author Douglas Clegg, Reader’s Entertainment finds out about Isis, ereaders and what Douglas has been up to on Facebook lately.

Question: Using the Twitter method of answer (140 characters or less) tell us about the type of books you write.

I write stories about people up against extraordinary or irrational circumstances. My books have been categorized as horror, suspense or fantasy fiction, depending on the story.

Question: Your new book is very different from your other works. In one paragraph tell us what’s different about this new book.

The upcoming book, Isis, is a fully-illustrated tale of the supernatural about a girl who discovers a way to call the dead back to life. The illustrations are beautifully-done by the fantastic artist Glenn Chadbourne. It’s being published by Vanguard Press, a division of the Perseus Group.

Question: What is the oddest thing anyone has ever asked you about your books?

You’ve just asked the question.

Question: What kind of people read your books?

My readers tend to be good-looking, smart, fun-loving

RECTV: *Side note: I read Douglas Clegg books!* 🙂

Question: What power would you most want and why?

My power would be: to be able to immediately take away anyone’s sense of insecurity.

Question: What do you like most about being on Facebook?

Learning about what people are reading, viewing, and exploring in their lives. I like the community.

Question: For authors just starting out, what three things should they be doing online?

For authors starting out, they should be doing a lot of listening, a lot of reading (online and offline) and a lot of discovering. The online world is perfect for all of this.

Question: What are you writing now?

I’m finishing up some projects. I’ve worked on a novel for two years concerning family, madness, and murder on the New England coast. I’m hoping it will be finished by fall. I recently completed a novella called “The Innocents at the Museum of Antiquities” that will be out in serial form in a magazine called Cemetery Dance, beginning the summer of 2009.

I’m launching a new serial, called The Locust, from my newsletter this summer – it’s free for subscribers at

Question: Do you own an ereader and what do you think of it?

I own two of them. And I read ebooks on my computer, too. I like reading some books this way – but not all. I still like the feel of a print book in my hands, and I enjoy turning pages. I use the ereaders mostly at the gym when I’m on the elliptical trainer or the exercise bikes – or when I ride the train or when on a trip.

Question: If you own an ereader, what are you reading on it right now?

I’ve been reading David Hewson’s Garden of Evil, but I tend to read a lot more nonfiction than fiction on the ereader.

Question: What has been the biggest ROI promotion you’ve done online?

Probably my serials, the first of which I launched in 1999, which turned my career around. Although I never actually think in terms of ROI. To me, what I get to do online is the fun stuff.

Question: Where can people find you online?

My website:



Thanks Douglas for stopping by to chat!

And here is one of the many book videos you can find on Douglas Clegg’s site!