David Bach Shows You How to Start Over and Finish Rich

If you’re like millions of other Americans, the past year may have pushed your debt situation from not-great to red alert. As the economy got tight, the credit card companies have increased interest rates, lowered credit ceilings, and cancelled accounts in an attempt to shore up their bottom line. In David Bach’s brand new book, Start Over, Finish Rich he shares that there are two things anyone with credit card debt should know: 1. You are not alone and 2. You can truly fix this problem. Tune in to find out about David Bach’s DOLP system for paying down credit card debt. DOLP stands for Dead on Last Payment and is a simple, proven way to prioritize your debt. Visit http://www.StartOverFinishRich.com to learn more about Start Over, Finish Rich: 10 Steps to Get You Back on Track in 2010. http://tinyurl.com/finishrich David Bach Start Over, Finish Rich