Marketing With Honesty and Building Customer Relationships – Reader’s Entertainment Radio Show Guests: Deborah Chaddock Brown and Sherre DeMao


Reader’s Entertainment host Sheila English talks with two experienced and respected marketing professionals and packs in a lot of answers in just 30 minutes!

If you’re looking for marketing tips, tips on customer relationship building or looking for tips to do your own marketing campaign, give us a listen and find a lot of great advise here!

Below are some of the questions and information we discussed during the show. The answers can be found in the podcast!

Sherre Demao

Sherré is founder and Chief Marketeer of SLD Unlimited Marketing/PR, Inc., a full-service marketing consulting and strategy firm she established in 1984. Sherré helps owners of start-up and small to medium-sized companies become more savvy managers and marketers by providing innovative operational and marketing guidance, solutions and services.

Sherre why is it important to be honest with all you do in marketing?

Sheila: I was very impressed with your website and especially that you have a “Values” page. And for our listeners who would like to go check the site out it is at
For those looking for marketing help could you give us a synopsis of what you offer?

(Sherre responds)

Sheila- One more question before we move over to Deborah, what would you say is the most important goals to have when creating a marketing campaign?

(Sherre responds)

Deborah Chaddock Brown

Sheila- Right now, I want to introduce everyone to Deborah Chaddock Brown, who is an amazing speaker. I met Deborah during a PodCamp event where I was totally captivated and engaged with her session.
Welcome Deborah!

(Deb responds)

Sheila -Now, let me tell everyone a little bit about Deborah before we put her in the hot seat. LOL

Prior to opening AllWrite Ink®, Deborah Chaddock Brown was the Director of Communications for Cole National, a billion dollar, national optical retailer. As the head of communications her responsibilities included ensuring corporate initiatives, products and values were communicated to executives, field management, store associates and franchise owners in a method that was clear, concise and understood.

Overall, Deborah’s 25+ years of experience in the sales, multi-unit management, training and communication fields benefit her clients as she has the ability to look at a communication need from both the end-user and company perspectives.

Sheila- Deborah, why is it important to have that well-rounded perspective? What’s the benefit to that?

(Deb responds)

Sheila- You are multi-tasking and have a lot of valuable enterprises going on. Tell me about those and what each does? And give us the website address too, if you will?

(Deb responds)

Sheila- Deborah, in your opinion, what do consumers want in relation to relationships?

(Deb responds)

Sheila- Sherre, I want to bring you back in on this and pose the same question to you, from your perspective. What do customers want?

(Sherre responds)

Sheila- Sherre, how can we be more focused on what the consumer or customer wants and still get our own message through to them?

(Sherre responds)

Sheila- Deborah, what are some ways we can build customer relationships that promote an ongoing relationship, trust and a value?

(Deborah responds)

Sheila- Final question. First to you Sherre-

What would be your top recommendation or recommendations to people who are out there trying to do their own marketing campaigns?

(Sherre responds)

Sheila- Deborah? Similar question to you. What would be your top recommendations to our listeners who are sincerely wanting to build positive and fruitful customer relationships?

(Deb responds)

Find out the last few minutes of the podcast when the ladies discuss their common beliefs.

Listen to the show:

Please feel free to post questions here and we’ll get then answered for you!