Where is God? Interview with Linda Windsor and Mary DeMuth


Where is God when you write these incredible books? Meaning, do you feel His presence or influence as you’re writing?

Hosts Sheila English and Anita Higman welcome guests Linda Windsor and Mary DeMuth to this month’s Reader’s Entertainment Radio Christian special. They discuss tonight’s theme- Where is God?

RER – 8/19/10

Linda talks about her historical romance and funny contemporary novels and how she felt God’s pull toward Christian fiction.

Mary talks about her series and how speaking out about her own childhood sex abuse story has helped others to heal.

Linda Windsor

has written a collection of historical and contemporary romances as both Linda Windsor and Linda Covington. Windsor’s historical novels are known for her distinctive voice and flair for incorporating history with romance and adventure, while her contemporary romantic comedies are guaranteed to warm the heart, lift the spirit, and tickle the funny bone.


Mary DeMuth

helps people turn their trials to triumph. Her books include ORDINARY MOM, EXTRAORDINARY GOD, BUILDING THE CHRISTIAN FAMILY YOU NEVER HAD, WATCHING THE TREE LIMBS, WISHING ON DANDELIONS, AUTHENTIC PARENTING IN A POSTMODERN CULTURE, DAISY CHAIN and THIN PLACES. Mary lives with her husband Patrick and their three children in Texas. Find out more at www.marydemuth.com.