Christian Reader’s Radio: Interview with Tosca Lee


Christian Reader’s Radio welcomes bestselling author of speculative Christian fiction; Tosca Lee.

Tosca has written a book about a fallen angel, Eve, Judus and is working on a new novel with bestselling author Ted Dekker! And that’s just for starters!

I love how Tosca’s mind works! She has this special way of seeing human nature and being able to take that talent and create a “what if” for some amazing, historical figures of the Bible.

Havah is the story of Eve told in first person. It’s an insightful look at what drove Eve to disobey God, what happened to her once she was thrown out of the Garden of Eden, what was her relationship with Adam like after that? There are so many questions, so many variables. The book bravely looks at the life of this amazing woman of history.

Demon: A Memoir takes a look at what it must have been like to be unforgiven while man was not only forgiven, but God sent his son to die for their sins so that they may be forgiven.

The books that Tosca Lee writes are as fearless as she is. Listen to her talk about writing beyond the Bible stories we all know. Find out what she has to say about working with Ted Dekker.

And for the first 2 people who comment on the blog we will send you a free book by Tosca Lee! Comment and then email us at sclover(at)!

CRR 9-16-10