Wednesday: Multimedia Blitz


An historical moment, watched by millions this week’s Final Jeopardy is more than just a game. IBM’s Watson, a computer like no other, is playing one of America’s favorite television shows this week up against two of the greatest players of all time. What happens next is what keeps us all on our toes.

Stephen Baker was invited to be one of the only people outside of IBM to come in and watch Watson be born and evolve. His unique perspective isn’t IBM’s and it isn’t Jeopardy’s. It’s that of an outside watching it all unfold. Being with the “in” crowd behind the scenes. Finding out Watson’s weaknesses and Jeopardy’s interesting demands.

In his book, Final Jeopardy, Stephen address all the things we might be curious about and then introduces some topics that you may not have dreamed of, but it’s that epiphany that instills awe and wonder even in those of us who may feel immune to technology’s evolution.


Stephen shares some of this “insider” look at Watson and the behind the scenes stories he was privy to.


And just for a little fun, enjoy the bloopers!