Authors, Publishers, and Books, Oh! My!

John Lithgow reads from his new book Drama - An Actor's Education (HarperCollins),

BookExpo America (BEA) was anticipated with long lines awaiting the opening of the exhibit hall at New York’s Javits Center on May 24,  2011. The annual conference boasted over 1,300 exhibitors this year. The Insight Stages invited fame to the event, including the likes of John Lithgow for his book Drama – An Actor’s Education (Harper Collins), Jane Fonda for her book Prime Time (Random House), and more.

John Lithgow reads from his new book, Drama - An Actor's Education (Harper Collins),

Authors both new and well-known where available for signings of favorite books in the Autographing Area.  Shaking hands with a favorite author is like being reacquainted with an old friend. In addition to the Autographing Area, authors were available for book signings at publisher booths throughout the exhibit hall. All were gracious and appreciative to see so many fans waiting in line for their “John Hancock.”

Autographing area

BlogWorld and New Media Expo were also located at BEA. The trade show offered break-out sessions to industry professionals on Social Media Marketing strategies, Content Creation, Distribution and more. New tips and old tricks were offered by online journalists, bloggers, and industry leaders.

As a first time attendee of BEA, there was much to see and do. The exhibit hall was filled with publishers, booksellers, and libraries offering everything from books, to games, and novelties.  Meeting publisher professionals face to face, such as HMH and Kensington, was a real treat.

Celebrities such as Ice-T and Coco, and Tayna Wright, could be found promoting their new books. Even Bill Rasmussen, founder of ESPN, has a book for the sports enthusiast! There was something for everyone! As the day wrapped up and I put my sore feet to bed, I felt the first day of BEA to be a great success.