Kindle: Textbooks on Kindle


Linda McMaken
Cincinnati, OH

Students will be thrilled with Kindle’s newest program, Kindle Textbook Rentals. Only July 18th, Amazon began texbook rentals of “tens of thousands of textbooks.” These titles can be rented from 30 days up to a year, can be loaded onto your Kindle or with apps toMacs, PCs, some smartphones and tablets, and look to be nearly 80% lower in cost then printed textbooks.

Amazon’s Vice President at Kindle Dave Limp, says that Amazon will also be giving students a bonus with their Kindle text book rentals – “Normally, when you sell your print textbook at the end of the semester you lose all the margin notes and highlights you made as you were studying. We’re extending our Whispersync technology so that you get to keep and access all of your notes and highlighted content in the Amazon Cloud, available anytime, anywhere – even after a rental expires. If you choose to rent again or buy at a later time, your notes will be there just as you left them.”