National Book Awards: Accepting eBooks


L. McMaken
Cincinnati, OH



For the first time, the National Book Foundation is accepting an eBook submission for the National Book Awards. Since eBooks, and eReaders are becoming more mainstream, the committee of judges has determined that selected eBooks should be included in the book judging.

In a statement from Harold Augenbraum Executive Director of the National Book Foundation he noted, “We go over the guidelines every year. When people point out things that could be changed, we discuss them and whether changes need to be made. We’re open to this. We recently had a submission for the Awards and it was an app book (meant to be read on the iPad). One of the rules is that you have to be able to print the book and submit it on paper, but this was a books with text and graphic and video. There are going to be high quality books that will only be published as eBooks and we will need to figure out how to handle that with our judges.”