Book to Help Save a Museum & Library


Cincinnati, OH


Stories are what weaves a community together. In today’s economy, it just might be what keeps a local museum and their library operating. The Museum Guild of Dearborn Michigan lost over two-thirds of its funding from the state. In an effort to find funding from other sources, the library decided the best effort would be to involve the community they served – and a book about the town was born – Best Dearborn Stories: Voices from Henry Ford’s Hometown.

This anthology of 152 stories from local writers that range in age from 6 – 97, contains heartfelt, fascinating and sometimes poignant stories about their town. All stories were submitted for inclusion for free from the writers. An article from The Detroit News gives a few details from the book: “Some of the writers were given rides by Henry Ford, or used to see him pedaling his bicycle. One contributor, a community college professor, told of a student so bad he receved a Q, 11 slots worse than an F. ‘It was not easy to get to America,’ begins Wijdan Alsaegh, who went from Iraq to Yemen to Dearborn and writes about being embraced.”

The Museum wants to remind you that the purchase of this book is tax deductible.