New Year’s Resolution: We’ll Show You Ours And You Show us Yours

Happy New Year!

Authors and Readers Share Their New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year!

Here we are again at the cusp of a new year full of new opportunities.  We caught up with some of our favorite authors and Facebook friends to find out what resolution they have for 2012.

Author’s Resolutions

From M. J. Rose– I vow not to read my Amazon or Goodreads Reviews. And I never keep it for more than a few weeks. Lol

Dianna Love’s New Year’s Resolution

“I want a goal I can keep that will benefit others as well as me, so my 2012 resolution is to stop threatening offering to cook…to my husband’s great relief.”

Jade Lee resolves to dance barefoot in the grass at least once a week.  Her goal is to appreciate Mother Nature more.  The problem is that she lives in Illinois and refuses to go out in the snow.  Therefore, in the winter, her goal is to dance barefoot on a green carpet while toasting Mother Nature with her coffee cup.

Amanda McIntyre– Get a nook. Learn how to read on said nook. Embrace the joy of storytelling,take a few more risks, nurture my creative well;)

Anna Destefano– Just posted my “I wills,” and my “I dos,” for 2012 on my blog. Use any of it you think is helpful. 2012 in publishing will be entirely about perspective and moving forward with positive energy, IMHO:

Renee Bernard– It goes without saying that I’d love to simply “write faster” but I also want to read smarter. It’s time to enrich this brain and feed my soul with some great books! (and then write faster…)

Here are some resolutions from our good friends and followers on Facebook!

Loretta Rodgers- ‎1.) Finish something ! 2) Write daily even if it makes no sense and sounds horrible – practice makes perfect. =)

Jan Jordan Douglas- I didn’t have a lot of time for reading 2011 so my New Year’s resolution is to read for at least an hour a day. There were a whole lot of days I didn’t have time to read and that is just NOT acceptable! LOL

Deborah Jiang Stein- My resolution is to make sure I’m a fearless and fierce advocate for reading and writing in every women’s prison where I speak in 2012.

Stacey Burlingame McShane- I am going to read to my baby daughter every night. I hope she develops my passion for reading and writing.

Rita Reynolds Setness- I am going to start my book…..again.


Win a Nook Simple Touch!

We invite you to share your resolution with us for a chance to win a Nook Simple Touch! Comment here and on Monday we will choose a name at random from those leaving comments! A winner will be announced Monday!