2012 PubWest Book Design Awards


2012 PubWest Book Design Awards

Winners Announced

Lake Oswego, Oregon—Recognizing superior design and outstanding production quality of books in 23 different categories, as well as giving a special award for Judges’ Choice, PubWest is pleased to announce this year’s winners of the prestigious PubWest Book Design Awards.

Book entries were judged on typography, jacket/cover design, interior design, format, selection of materials used, and printing and binding production quality.

“As in years past, we were delighted to receive so many extraordinary books for our design and production awards,” said program chair Julie T. Houk of the Boone and Crockett Club. “The quality of the books that were judged this year made the competition for medals tough, which makes winning an even greater accomplishment.” Houk added, “We want to thank all of the publishers, printers, and designers who submitted their titles. Their participation gives us the opportunity to recognize the excellent design and production quality of books that are being published today. We were also excited to judge eBooks and book-related apps this year. Publishers are embracing this segment of our industry and producing some excellent products for readers. A special thank-you also needs to go out to all the industry professionals who volunteered their time to assist with judging all of these wonderful titles.”

Winners will be recognized at PubWest 2012, October 25-27, 2012 in Keystone, Colorado, at the Keystone Resort and Conference Center. Contact the PubWest office for details about attending this event. For the complete list of winners please go to the below website:  http://pubwest.org/design-awards/

PubWest is a not-for-profit trade organization created to serve the needs of its members and as a forum for the discussion of publishing issues. The Association’s membership ranges from small independent presses to publishers with worldwide operations. Affiliate members include printers, designers, binderies, and publishing freelancers. Membership is based throughout North America.

For more information contact:

Contact: Kent Watson, Executive Director                                   

Phone: (503) 635-0056

Email: executivedirector@pubwest.org