eBooks: Intel Wants Your Opinion


Help Define Future eBook Capabilities
Our first survey was very successful and gave us some interesting results:

·   PDF, Kindle and Nook are the most popular formats being produced

·   Most needed capabilities to increase production of eBooks included:

1.  Enabling a reader application that works on all devices your
customers already use (laptops, e-readers, smartphones)

2.  Adding the ability to continually update book content directly online

We would like to invite you to participate in our second survey on eBook publishing. This survey should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete. The goal of this survey is to gain additional insight into your current and future needs when publishing books in electronic formats targeted to professionals.

Intel is giving away an UltrabookTM laptop to five survey respondents from a random drawing of entries – after completing the survey you can choose to enter the drawing. You can take the survey here.

The results of this survey will help develop the future of electronic formats for eBooks.