Amazon Author Ranking



Amazon has just added a new feature to their website — Amazon Author Rank. Working almost exactly like their book sales rankings, it lists the most popular authors by sales, and is updated hourly.

From their press release: “Amazon Author Rank is based on the sales of all of an author’s books on and is updated hourly. Explore these pages to find the best selling authors in your favorite genres. Been thinking about reading something a bit different or need some help selecting the perfect gift? Dive in and discover a host of popular authors who are delighting other readers. Make your reading choices with confidence thanks to Amazon Author Rank. Authors can find their Amazon Author Rank in Author Central.”

The 5 Most Popular Authors (which keep switching hourly) are:

1.Sylvia Day

2.E. L. James

3.Rick Riordan

4.Suzanne Collins

5.Philip K. Dick