Authors on Holiday – Sheila English


Author and CEO of Circle of Seven Productions, Sheila English has Christmas all over her home, making it inviting, bright and fun. Welcome Sheila!

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas At the English Home

Much to the dismay of my husband I started decorating early this year. That’s right, before Thanksgiving.  My reasoning was pretty sound; if I’m going to go through all the trouble to decorate I may as well get the most out of it and let people “Oooohhh” and “Ahhhhh” when they come over for Thanksgiving.  I love Christmas.  I love the tree, the cards, the decorations, the silly Christmas clothes I make my dogs wear, I even enjoy the shopping and wrapping! Oh! And of course the mistletoe!

This year I went all out and with the help of my niece, Amanda, we decorated every available space in the living room! We have three themes going; horses, dogs and snowmen.  My husband loves horses and we own a couple. Of course we do! We live in Kentucky where I think it may be a law that you have to own horses, not sure, I’m actually from California. What do I know? I’d never even seen a snow shovel before moving to Kentucky!

Anyone who knows me knows I am a dog lover. I have five dogs; Snickers a collie/wolf mix, Jack a Jack Russell terrier, Jill an Italian greyhound, Chico the Chihuahua and our newest addition Oscar the miniature dachshund.  I call them my “doglettes” or  my “littles”, even Snickers, who is an honorary “little”.  So of course I have to have a dog Christmas too!

The snowmen is purely for the joy of Christmas and I love them!

This year I got a lot of complaints about Christmas music, so I went to iTunes and downloaded new Christmas music that was more to their liking.  I highly recommend the song Christmas Eve by Savatage and Joy to the World by Train!

We open gifts on Christmas Eve in Ohio with my husband’s family. Christmas Day we take the kids to the movies and then head home where, this year, I will be spending Christmas evening with my sister and her children.  The decorations will stay up until after New Year’s Day.

All I need now is a little snow and we just might get that!

From the English family to all of you- Merry Christmas!




About Sheila:

Sheila has written plays, journal articles, news articles, copy, scripts, short stories and books.  Living that dream is a passion she follows daily as a script writer, an author and news reporter. The co-author of Book Marketing, Book Trailers, and Author Etiquette in a Nutshell, with Publisher’s Weekly columnist Barbara Vey. Sheila is also a multi-award winning scriptwriter, producer, song writer, non-fiction author and soon to be published novelist. You can learn more about Sheila on her website. You can purchase her non-fiction book for authors by following this link.