Kindle Singles Come to the UK


Amazon Singles which feature short stories, novellas, and essays have become one of the most popular literature offerings on Amazon’s website in the U.S. The online retailer just announced their Kindle Singles will now be available in the the U.K. and at their online Europe storefront.

From Amazon:

Amazon has launched its Kindle Singles Store at, offering stories between 5,000 and 30,000 words to customers there. As in the U.S., writers of Kindle Singles can receive up to a 70% royalty rate on their work. In the U.K., Kindle Singles will be priced between £0.99 and £1.99. The U.K. storefront has gone live with Singles by, among others, Susan Hill, Candia McWilliam, and Len Deighton (writing a piece featuring James Bond).

U.K. customers will also be able to buy Kindle Singles that have been exclusively available in the U.S.