Tell Prince Charming to Keep That Slipper by Olivia Stith-Bynum


Olivia Stith‘s final installation in her relationship series takes readers down a nostalgic road. The author takes childhood fables/fairy tales and brings them to real life situations and relationships. Full of her normal zany and down to earth ministering styles, she leaves readers doing a soul search in their quest to find the fabled Prince Charming. One can asks should I wait on Prince Charming when I can stand on my own two feet with the Prince of Peace? Once finished one will ask and get the God sent answer in this long awaited book.

Olivia Stith-Bynum, Minister, Author and International Speaker, is the CEO of TriManna Productions. TriManna uses the visual arts, preached word and the written word to provide spiritual mentoring and gospel entertainment to the masses.  God has blessed and anointed her with many talents allowing her to be a voice to the nations, having started outreach programs in countries such as Sierra Leone and Nigeria.

Olivia gave her life to Christ in 1992 and has been on fire for the Lord ever since, even though she has faced numerous trials and tribulations. Olivia was licensed as an evangelist in 2002 and then ordained as an Elder in 2004. She has served as a Biblical Studies teacher, Youth Director, Outreach Director, Administrative Secretary and in many other capacities as needed. Olivia operates under the covering of Bishop C. S. Davis of Bethphage Outreach Center.

In February of 2006, she began an online ministry that strives to empower women to pursue and develop their relationship with Christ.  “The Ladies of Word” a worldwide network of sisters whose desire is to uplift one another and believing in the philosophy that “I am my sister’s keeper.”

Many souls have been blessed by her true life testimony dealing with deliverance from sexual and physical abuse, depression, and other spiritual crippling strongholds, which has been strongly enhance by the release of her book, “If God Is My Lover…Why Is My Bed So Cold?” Some church ministries have adopted the principles in her book as a teaching tool for its single and women’s ministries. The book has been the Book of the Month for several book clubs, such as the God’s Girls Book Club in Virginia and others throughout the United States. One bookseller in the U.K reported, “If God Is My Lover was one of the fastest books sold in my shop.”

She has been featured on several radio stations to include, The Jesse Peterson Show, FM 88.1 Jazz in VA, Abundant Solutions, RSL Radio and various e-zines spreading a message of singleness, courtship and marriage. Olivia’s down to earth and often-humorous style of ministering has opened the door to numerous speaking engagements at women’s conferences and with singles groups throughout the nation.  Breakthrough Magazine readers nominated Olivia for its, Phenomenal Woman Award.

Olivia Stith-Bynum recently released her second relationship book, “Lord Is Boaz Lost, Or Am I Just in the Wrong Field?” and currently working on last in series, “Tell Prince Charming to Keep That Slipper”.

During her spare time Olivia enjoys spending quality time with her family, designing graphics and writing articles. Olivia will be launching off in her “Birthed from Barreness” prophetic and evangelistic tour in summer 2013, as well as her women empowerment seminars for her women’s group ESTHER.  God has truly blessed her in his kingdom. She constantly strives to be all God has called her to be and encourages all those around her to pursue the gifts of Christ in their lives and to live life to its fullest.

Benefits of Ministry 
With the growing number of marriages falling apart today and believers in unequally yoked relationships, individuals are seeking to find solace in knowing God is there to deliver them through their struggles. As one who has dealt with these very issues and as one ordained to minister healing and empowerment, Olivia Stith-Bynum brings the understanding and compassion to those whose path she crosses. She is able to provide guidance using spiritual truths.

Enabling souls to press forward onto the path God has called them. Listeners and readers as well often send her testaments of praise sharing how God has moved in their lives from her teachings and writings. Olivia’s life is based on a quote she is known for, “If I live to please anyone other than Christ, am I truly living?” The Lord has put an anointing on Olivia’s life and truly the Spirit moves in all areas of her ministry for the glory of God.

Connect with Olivia Stith-Bynum

(Reprinted with permission from Black Pearls Magazine.)