The Business of Writing International Summit


Join Reader’s Entertainment and Circle of Seven CEO Sheila Clover English at the Business of Writing International Summit. The conference highlights the many facets of writing. There is so much more to being an author than just writing the book. You are a self-employed entrepreneur and you must manage your business.

This conference offers topics such as Self-Publishing Basics, Copyrights, and Book Cover Art.

Sheila English will be hosting a workshop on Booktrailers:   Learn what the pros know! What makes a good book trailer? What are the dos and don’t of DIY? Learn what you can do once your trailer is made so you get the best return on your investment. 

This is a great opportunity to learn valuable lessons on the Business of Writing. The conference will be held at:

Indiana Wesleyan University
Louisville Conference Center
1500 Alliant Avenue
Louisville, KY 40299
Thursday, August 1, 2013
10:00 am – 4:30 pm
Lunch is provided
For more information, or to register, please follow this link.