Pacific Rim’ and New Rules for Human-Robot Relations – From Bookish


Pacific Rim’ and New Rules for Human-Robot Relations

Recent books, comics and movies highlight a role reversal in the human-robot relationship: increasingly, humans must rely on robots as experts and guides in unfamiliar situations. The most striking trend is humans stepping inside giant robots to fight fearsome monsters, exemplified by one of summer’s most anticipated movies, “Pacific Rim,” which opens this week. Now that humans need robots more than robots need them, these books revisit the rules for how mankind should interact with its creations.

Illustrator Peter Kuper’s Changing New York

His new book “Drawn to New York: An Illustrated Chronicle of Three Decades in New York City” collects comics, art and illustrations reminiscing on everything from taxi redesigns to pornographic movie theaters. Kuper also pokes fun at his own naïvepersona upon arrival and ponders how his fellow New Yorkers have banded together after 9/11 and crippling hurricanes. In this gallery, Kuper shares with Bookish fond memories of his adoptive home alongside selected art from the book.

Also, we have an exclusive interview with D.J MacHale, creator of the classic Nickelodeon horror series, Are You Afraid of the Dark? Here, he  reminisced with Bookish about his favorite “Are You Afraid of the Dark?” episodes, explained why he stayed away from “Harry Potter” for this long and pondered the potential for “SYLO” fan fiction.

Used with permission from Diana Kelly –