A Book With a Curse?


What would Halloween be without a good, spooky book? This year, ‘spell-binding’ books of spells was just sold by AbeBooks.com. The books were the work of  Persephone Adrastea Eirene a well-known Wicca, who led her own coven.  The books are more journal then novel and include all of her spells, as well as generations of Wicca notes, and incantations.

The journals were penned throughout the 1960s and were supposed to have been destroyed upon her death. The grimoire  or magical textbooks are written in her hand and contain the generations of Wicca spells and enchantments. These grimoire come with a stern warning however. ““To those not of the craft – the reading of this book is forbidden!  Proceed no further or justice will exact a swift and terrible retribution – and you will surely suffer at the hand of the craft.” 

The two volume set sold to an undisclosed buyer for $13,865.