BOOK TRAILER: Graceful Immortality by Robert Downs


When your name is Casey Holden, the Virginia Dance Company might just become your new favorite playground. But with the murder of dancer Jessica Mason to investigate, courtesy of an office visit from one Kathryn Gable, he knows he’ll have to stay on point. Find out more at


graceful immortality

About the Author:


I aspired to be a writer, before I realized how difficult the writing process was. Fortunately, I’d already fallen in love with the craft, otherwise Casey might never have seen print. During its most satisfying moments, Casey practically jumps off the page and into my lap. While I’d never consider writing an easy process, I’m fortunate that Casey has enough personality to sustain himself for long periods of time, since he initially came to me over five years ago. Even at his most basic level, though, he and I have little, if anything, in common. Yet, he’s a strong enough character that he practically takes over the writing, as well as the whole story, and therefore, I can’t envision ever changing the point of view of his misadventures, of which I hope there will be many more. Before I’d even published the first manuscript, Falling Immortality, I’d already finished drafts of two sequels, as he proved to me that publishing, while certainly important, was not as important as telling his story.