Recap: Lori Foster’s Reader/Author Get Together (#RAGT15)


Lori-book-fair-roomThis was the 11th year for Lori Foster’s Reader/Author Get Together.  

The event began rather small and slow, with bestselling author Lori Foster wanting to create an informal conference where readers and authors could meet, laugh, dine and mingle. It has become one of the premier book events in the U.S. Just minutes after registration opens the event is sold out and many readers and authors (they register separately) are relegated to a waiting list. You must truly be fast with the ‘mouse’ to get into this event. It is truly worth hovering over your computer on registration day.

Authors and publishers sponsor meals, boardrooms and events thereby keeping the cost to readers at a meager $50. While many 5-authors-signingreaders come to rub elbows with their favorite authors, it also provides an opportunity to find new ones. Two book signings, one on Friday that features primarily small publishers and indie authors, and one on Saturday that highlights more traditionally published authors. The book signings do not require registration and are open to the public, so if you didn’t get registered you can still meet and talk with your favorite authors.

Each year there are a myriad of things to do. This year there was a Wizard of Oz party, a Trivia Party, a Blogger Lounge, publisher boardrooms brimming with swag, books and authors, and editors taking pitches for those who long to enter the world of writing. All of this in a relaxed, laid back atmosphere. If you want to dress for an event, great. If you didn’t no problem.

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FullSizeRender (36)Each attendee received a “Goodie Bag” heavy with books, ebook coupons, and swag. Newbies (first time attendees) received their own bag of goodies to help introduce them to some of the authors attending. They also were entered into a “Newbies Only” raffle where two huge baskets of books and goodies were given out to lucky winners.

The raffle baskets donated by authors, publishers and individuals numbered well over one hundred and they were a-m-a-z-i-n-g! The money raised by the sale of raffle tickets and books goes to support several local charities. The amount raised??? Drum roll……..

Animal Adoption Foundation – $2,250
Conductive Learning Center – $3,000
Deployed Troop Project – $1200
One Way Farm$21,000

Please click on the links above to find out more about these amazing charities, and if you are able, consider making a donation.

Thanks to Lori Foster and all the volunteers, sponsors for another amazing event.