Cecilia Velastegui Talks About The Life of Lucia Zarate The World’s Smallest Woman


Reader’s Entertainment Radio talks to award-winning author Cecilia Velastegui about her new historical fiction novel regarding the life of Lucia Zarate, the smallest woman in the world. Find out about this 20-inch woman’s life and the research the author did to write the book. RADIO SHOW

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Lucia Zárate is based on the poignant, real-life odyssey of the world’s smallest woman. Pretty and gregarious, Lucia Zárate was just twenty inches tall. A celebrity after her ‘display’ at the 1876 Philadelphia Centennial International Exhibition, Lucia’s extraordinary, heartbreaking story is one of exploitation by greedy sideshow hucksters and a fishbowl existence on the road, from New York to Victorian London. We follow the adventures of diminutive Lucia Zárate and her devoted governess as they grapple with life and death, finding joy and adventure in their bumpy sideshow journey of more than fourteen years. This is an artfully balanced novel that is a mesmerizing tale of survival, resilience, and the uplifting force of friendship.

You can find out more about Cecilia and her work on her website at CeciliaVelastegui.com.

You can follow her on Facebook here- https://www.facebook.com/ccvelastegui/

Cecilia Velastegui
Cecilia Velastegui