Createspace Ends Editing Service


createAmazon’s CreateSpace are ending their author services business. Writer’s who have used their editorial services that included editing, cover design, and book formatting, will have to find an alternative.

In astatement from Amazon given to South Carolina’s The Post and Courier:

“After a thorough review of our service offerings, we’ve made the decision to discontinue CreateSpace’s paid professional editing, design and marketing services. We will work closely with impacted employees through this transition to help them find new roles within the company or assist them with pursuing opportunities outside the company.”

This will mark the second time in the last two years that Amazon has cut positions in the company. Over 150 jobs were cut in Charleston, SC last year when they shut down a printing facility.


For authors/musicians/movie makers whose books are listed in the Createspace book store, Amazon posted this Q&A:

Which formats does this apply to?
This change applies to paperback books sold through the CreateSpace eStore as well as music and movie discs sold through the CreateSpace eStore.
When customers are redirected to, how much I will I earn?
Today, paperback sales through and Amazon Europe earn a 60% royalty. To help with this transition, for six months starting November 1, 2017, you will earn an average royalty rate calculated across all sales of your title through both the CreateSpace eStore, and Amazon Europe over the last year. For example, if half of your paperback sales for a title were through the CreateSpace eStore, which earned an 80% royalty rate, and the other half were through Amazon sales channels ( and Amazon Europe), which earned a 60% royalty rate, your new royalty rate for sales of that title through Amazon sales channels during this six-month period will be 70%.
After April 30, 2018, the standard Amazon 60% rate will apply to all sales for paperbacks. Also, if your title didn’t have any sales through the CreateSpace eStore in the last year, your royalty rate for Amazon sales will continue to be 60%.
Disc royalty rate adjustments will be based on the standard Amazon royalty rate of 55% and eStore royalty rate of 85%.
What time period are you using to calculate the average adjusted royalty rates?
The time period we are using to calculate your temporary royalty rate is September 1, 2016 through August 31, 2017.
How long will my adjusted royalty rate last?
Your new, adjusted royalty rate will be effective for six months and will end on April 30, 2018.
What are the benefits to selling through
In addition to being able to search for your title and improved discoverability, customers will experience the same fast checkout and great shipping options that hundreds of millions of customers enjoy with  Also, you have the opportunity to earn more as an Amazon Associate for referrals directly to  To learn more about becoming an Amazon Associate, please visit 

What do I need to do next?
No action is needed if your titles are already for sale through If not, you can make your titles available on by following these steps:
Log in to your CreateSpace account.

  • Click on the title name from your Member Dashboard.
  • Navigate to the Distribution page and then select Channels.
  • Select “” from the list of channels.
  • Click “Save.”

Do I need to remove my title from eStore distribution?
No. Customers will automatically be redirected to your title’s page on October 31 and your royalty rate will be adjusted automatically. If you don’t currently sell your titles through, you’ll need to go to your CreateSpace dashboard and check the box to enable sales through 
How can I find out specifically what my new royalty rate is?
Look for an email from CreateSpace with information about your new royalty rates for your titles.  Or you can contact us here.
I signed up as an Amazon Associate. How can I improve the experience for my eStore customers?
If you sign up to be an Amazon Associate, please be sure to follow all instructions on how to link to your titles on You will need to update your links to direct customers back to your title on To learn more about becoming an Amazon Associate, please visit
My book is also available for sale on Amazon Europe. How am I affected?
This change will not affect your Amazon Europe listings. Since the CreateSpace eStore uses US English, we will redirect all eStore links to which also uses US English. 
Does the eStore closure affect other CreateSpace services?
The closure of the eStore will not affect other CreateSpace services.  You can order copies of your own titles at printing cost for your own consumption or distribution. You can also distribute your titles through CreateSpace’s expanded distribution channels to bookstore and online retailers, libraries and academic institutions, and through CreateSpace Direct. Of course, your books are still available for sale on and Amazon Europe.
How can I use discount codes on
eStore discount codes are not supported on You can purchase Amazon gift cards for your customers or order author copies from CreateSpace at printing cost and ship them to your customers.