WORDPLAY Podcast: PJ Tracy


word playWordplay Podcast by Kristine Raymond this week features author PJ Tracy

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PJ Tracy was the pseudonym of mother-daughter writing duo P.J. and Traci Lambrecht, winners of the Anthony, Barry, Gumshoe, and Minnesota Book Awards. Their eight novels, MONKEEWRENCH, LIVE BAIT, DEAD RUN, SNOW BLIND, SHOOT TO THRILL, OFF THE GRID,  THE SIXTH IDEA, and NOTHING STAYS BURIED have become national and international bestsellers.  THE GUILTY DEAD, the ninth installment of the Monkeewrench series, will be released in the US and the UK in fall of 2018.

ICE-COLD-HEART-U.S.-COVER-final-199x300PJ was a long-time resident of Minnesota until her death in December 2016.  Traci remains in rural Minnesota, just outside Minneapolis, and continues writing about the Monkeewrench gang.

P.J. Lambrecht always loved to tell people she was a college dropout and had no qualifications for being a writer except for a penchant for lying.  She had her first short story published in The Saturday Evening Post when Traci was eight, still mercifully oblivious to her mother’s plans to eventually trick her into creating a family business.

Traci Lambrecht spent most of her childhood riding and showing horses. She graduated with a Russian Studies major from St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota, where she also studied voice. Her aspirations of becoming a spy were dashed when the Cold War ended, so she began writing to finance her annoying habits of travel and singing in rock bands. Much to her mother’s relief, she finally realized that the written word was her true calling. Together, they had a long, prolific career writing together in many genres until PJ’s passing in December 2016.   Traci continues to write like a maniac, with PJ’s spirit sitting on her shoulder, cracking wise.