The best thing about being quarantined? we’ve had a lot of time to put into the launch of Fingerling Theater – finger puppet videos of nursery rhymes and fairy tales (some fractured, of course). So far all we’ve uploaded is the theme song but we plan to post one a week.  We could probably do more, but we have a little too much help sometimes. See cat hogging the green room photo. ft photo
The worst thing about being quarantined? For us, the biggest change is not attending church. We miss our Sunday school kiddies, and singing in the choir, Other than that,  we live on 175 acres in a township of roughly 300 people. We have a small grocery store about 7 miles away so we’re able to get supplies as needed.  And we DO go properly 20200415_184248masked and gloved, just to keep others safe from us LOL
We keep hearing people say they just want to go back to how we were, but our prayer is that we all come out of this with a higher awareness of the need to be kind and considerate; an awareness of how precious time is. There’s no time like DSCN9187the present, and no present like time. So we’re trying to be “all in” whatever it is we’re doing. Attitude is everything!
We’ve got a couple of new releases —
51ymwoBdbhL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_HEARTS OF SEVEN PINES is about a woman who’s aging out of her Broadway career. She comes to her uncle’s Maine cabin to deal with her diagnosis of dysphonia and ends up falling in love with the people in the small community.
CINNAMON SUNRISE  — an angel is sent to earth to help two people find they’re made for each other. Unfortunately, he gets the wrong couple in the beginning, but manages to straighten things out by the end. It was a really fun story to write and hopefully enjoyable to read.
In addition to freelance writing, the Cuffe sisters run a small farm in downeast  Maine’s Unorganized Territory.  They bring Jane-of-all-trades life experiences to their work, and believe God gave them this background to write squarely to the heart of real women who don’t always wear a size two, and who prefer boots and flannel to high heels and the lbd. They believe with God anything is possible; and that some of the best stories aren’t hatched in creative writing class, they’re composed on the seat of a tractor.