Holly’s Book Review: The Art of Friendship


The Art of Friendship: Creating and Keeping Relationships That Matter by Kim Wier
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


I liked this book. It gave great insights on how to build true friendships. It had am amusing stories, stories from the bible and in between stories. It explains what true friendship looks like and what fake ones are. It has a great guide that can help someone who has never had a real long lasting friendship, or a friendship that was based on what the other person can get. However, it also gives you guidance on how to fret out toxic relationships and what to do with them. Overall this book was a good read and a nice reminder of what true friendship looks like both in real life and from the bible.

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Book Summary:
In this age of limitless digital connections, we are somehow lonelier than ever. This isn’t just bad news–it’s dangerous news. Loneliness puts us at greater health risk than smoking or obesity, but we would sooner label ourselves overweight than admit we are lonely. It is a secret that is killing us.

Contrary to all our efforts, the answer is not found in more connections, but deeper ones that mirror God himself as the originator of friendship and the original Friend. The Art of Friendship walks with you into a greater understanding of how God has equipped you to be a friend and to have meaningful friendships. With step-by-step guidance, you will begin to strategize how to fulfill your divine calling as a friend. And through God’s Word, as you come to understand the depth and width and breadth of God as Friend, you will discover that the spiritual discipline of friendship is both life-changing and life-giving.

Blank book cover, excellent vector illustration, EPS 10