Sheila’s Book Review: Desolation Road by Christine Feehan



Book Review: 5 stars out of 5.

Christine Feehan‘s Torpedo Ink series is a love or hate kind of series for a lot of people. It’s paranormal romance which Feehan is famous for writing.

This is different though. It’s dark and raw and pulls no punches. The premise is simple enough – children were taken, their parents killed for going against the government. They are from Russia. They’re taken to a school where they are severely abused, sexually as well as every other way. They are also trained to be assassins.

Of over 200 children only 19 of them survived. So, each novel tells the story of one of the survivors as well as how the group has moved on as a whole.

Desolation Road is Absinthe’s story. He has an unusual psychic ability where he can reach inside your mind and pull out your memories. Your truth. But, like all the other men and women who survived that hellhole, he has guilt, shame and regret on top of being a survivor. So, when he finds a sweet little librarian that captures his interest and his heart, you are so happy for him.

Until you find out more about her. She is every bit as dangerous as he is. I love this heroine, but there are times you wonder if this is going to end well. Of course, it’s a romance, so we know we get a happy-ever-after, but not before Feehan makes us cry, scream and laugh first. Because you run the gambit of every emotion you can think of with this book.

Each story you discover that the main character from the motorcycle club also has a sexual hangup. Of course, they would. How could they not?

The book is very erotic, and you always realize the couple is consenting and love each other. Absinthe’s need is something I found quite unusual. It wasn’t really my cup of tea, so to speak, but I do know it’s not unheard of. When I looked it up online I was surprised to find there’s an actual culture for it.  9780593099759_DesolationRoad_FCO_mech.indd

If you have triggers about abuse this could be a tough read for you. But, overall this book is about hope.  It’s about sacrifice and love. I happen to love this series. And this book is amazing!