Special Feature
The School Of Hard Knocks with Miranda Oh
Editors are not the enemy. The first time I received my editor’s notes back, I cried because I took everything they said SO personally. With time, efforts and trust I quickly learned that editors are there to refine your work and not to change your story. The more books I created the process became an easier pill to swallow, as I became more aware and more understanding of what the notes will look like, and how much better my story becomes when it is refined by an unbiased professional. Of courses your loved ones are always going to be your biggest fan when you create something and that is why they are our loved ones. But when you pay a proper professional to break down your story and build it back up, works of art surface.
Take a look at Miranda’s latest release:
A chick lit romantic comedy
In book 2 of the “Chin Up Tits Out” series, Hadley is elated that her husband is finally coming home after years of fighting with immigration. Assuming that her “happily ever after” is about to begin, she dives in head first at being the best wife ever. An unexpected diagnosis sends her into a downward spiral. No amount of wine can help prepare her for this new journey.
They say it takes a village to raise a child, well…Hadley is in dire need of her village to help her get through the storm that lies ahead.
Follow Hadley in her adventure as she deals with disease; addiction; and a dark, twisted sense of humor.
Because when life sucks so bad, sometimes laughing is easier than crying.
acebook: https://www.facebook.com/the.miranda.oh & https://www.facebook.com/ohmirandaoh
Website: www.mirandaoh.com
IG: https://www.instagram.com/ohmirandaoh/?hl=en & https://www.instagram.com/quillandinkposcast/?hl=en
Podcast Youtube Page: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNiINfX_iapzz74DIUDADrepIDkgL7uO_
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ohmirandaoh?lang=en