Book Lights radio with Lisa Kessler presents USAT Best Seller Jess Michaels



USA Today Bestselling author Jess Michaels likes geeky stuff, Vanilla Coke Zero, anything coconut, cheese, fluffy cats, smooth cats, any cats, many dogs and people who care about the welfare of their fellow humans. She is lucky enough to be married to her favorite person in the world and lives in the heart of Dallas, TX where she’s trying to eat all the amazing food in the city.

When she’s not obsessively checking her steps on Fitbit or trying out new flavors of Greek yogurt, she writes historical romances with smoking hot alpha males and sassy ladies who do anything but wait to get what they want. She has written for numerous publishers and is now fully indie and loving every moment of it (well, almost every moment).

In addition, Jess is super (some would say obsessively) active on both Facebook and Twitter, so be sure to follow her on one or both from the links provided here! And sign up for her newsletter to be the first to know when there is a new release out and for a chance to win a $75 Amazon Gift Certificate just for being cute.


And for more about our host Lisa Kessler visit