Sheila’s Book Review: The Little Handbook of Navigationally Challenged Cidiots


I have a few people I need to gift this to and I bet you do too!

The Little Handbook for Navigationally Challenged Cidiots

By G. Head, DC Head, Ken Head and SV Head

I give this 5 Stars out of 5

OMG! This is so hilarious that you’re reading, nodding your head, and laughing yourself silly! This is a perfect book to leave in your bathroom or to give as a gift. It’s just so funny, but also so true!
I enjoyed this book very much and think you should give it a try if for no other reason, to take the test at the see if maybe YOU are a cidiot! LOL


Filled with hundreds of common driving offenses, this gut-wrenching funny handbook features hilariously, jaw-dropping terms and phrases describing some of the nastiest driving habits you or another cidiot have engaged in almost every day on the highways and byways. Inside, you’ll find “The Motor Mouth Motorist” who suffers from road rage, “The Para Lane Bluffer” who can’t decide if they want to merge with oncoming traffic until the last second, “The Eye Shadow Bandit” who thinks she’s skilled enough to drive at high speeds while applying makeup in the car mirror, and many more epic adventures of daily cidiot driving habits that are far too many to list here. Whether you’re the culprit or the victim of cidiot driving, The Little Handbook for Navigationally Challenged Cidiots will have you laughing, pouring tears, and showing off your enriched cidiot vocabulary.

Book Reviewed by: Sheila English