MEET THE AUTHOR – Dwayne Clayden



A thriller writer with real world experience………….

I love sports from my early days playing football in the park until the streetlights come on, and I stumbled home, bleeding. Through high school and junior football I’d play day and night if I could. Now both my knees tell me that all that football was a stupid idea!

I was going to be a high school football coach. Then the offer of paid training and a full-time job came along, and I became a cop. That they actually gave a 20-year-old a gun was incredible. Heck, there were states and provinces in which I couldn’t legally drink!

I tried all aspects of emergency services in my 42 years—a police officer, paramedic, tactical paramedic, firefighter, and educator.

As a paramedic I resuscitated two men struck by lightning on a golf course—at the same time,—and they both lived!

The highlight was in 2002 I created a course for paramedics to train to work with police tactical units. It was an exceptional experience researching the program, but incredible training with the actual tactical team. It was like a boy scout camp-out on steroids. We shot guns, blew things up, played advanced hide and search at night with night vision goggles and played good guys and bad guys with simunition—which is like paintball except the paintballs are shaped like bullets and boy do they hurt!

As a firefighter, I rescue a kitten from a fire (I was told I was looking for a kid!) and also rescued twenty years of a choir’s cassette tapes from a burning church.

I retired and had to replace those thrills, so I write crime thrillers. I set the Brad Coulter Thriller series in the late 70s and into the 80s. I use those 42 years to create realistic thrillers that put the reader in the cruiser right next to the cops. When their heart races, so does yours. If you’ve ever wondered what it is like to be a cop or paramedic, all alone in the dark, my novels give you those thrills and chills.

Here’s a quick look at Dwayne’s latest release GODDESS OF JUSTICE

A series of seemingly unrelated deaths occur around the city. When one is an obvious homicide, Detective Brad Coulter gets the case.

Coulter has barely started investigating when more murders occur. It is clear that the killer not only understands Crime Scene Unit protocols but also has special forces military skills—or training in a Tactical Unit.

Coulter realizes he has a connection to some victims. Then the Crime Scene Unit discovers evidence that points to Coulter as the murderer.

Now hunted by his own police service, he has to clear his name.

But the killer has other plans.