Home Book Reviews Holly Irish Book Review: Set the Stars Alight

Holly Irish Book Review: Set the Stars Alight


Set the Stars Alight

Set the Stars Alight

Set the Stars Alight by Amanda Dykes

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is not what I was expecting at all! I thought it was going to be a time travel story but it wasn’t. It was a wonderful woven story about looking back in past and seeing for what it was. I love Lucy. She’s smart, kind, and knows what she wants. Her friendship with Dash is truly amazing. I loved how they grew up together and then went their separate ways but eventually come back to each other. I love how the author brings the past to life and tells their story as if they were alive today, and how they unknowingly left clues for Lucy and Dash to find. This is truly an amazing story if you are into adventure books. The ending will leave you speechless! Happy reading my friends.

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Book Summary:

Lucy Clairmont’s family treasured the magic of the past, and her childhood fascination with stories of the high seas led her to become a marine archaeologist. But when tragedy strikes, it’s Dashel, an American forensic astronomer, and his knowledge of the stars that may help her unearth the truth behind the puzzle she’s discovered in her family home.

Two hundred years earlier, the seeds of love are sown between a boy and a girl who spend their days playing in a secret sea cave, while the privileged young son of the estate looks on, wishing to join. As the children grow and war leads to unthinkable heartbreak, a story of love, betrayal, sacrifice, and redemption unfolds, held secret by the passage of time.

As Lucy and Dash journey to a mysterious old estate on the East Sussex coast, their search leads them to a community of souls and a long-hidden tale that may hold the answers–and the healing–they so desperately seek.