
Book Trailer Highlight: Transformation by Dean Howard Trible

Did giants really exist on the earth?

Did the fall of the angels create the race of superhuman giants that roamed the earth before the flood? Archaeology and ancient writings seem to indicate that giants existed before the flood- and that they still exist today.

The book of Enoch has revealed information that could enlighten events in the biblical book of Genesis. Transformation was the event that changed everything, allowing this world to be created and then vexed with Satanic evil through the birth of demons.

How did the earth become populated with these spiritual demons? Through Transformation, your mind will be opened to the real events that took place before the Great Flood-new information that has never been published before. By reading Transformation, you will discover:

• The origin of demons

• The reality of demonic possession

• How Satan works in the world today

Many of us in the West have lost sight of the presence of demons and their operation in our world, but believers in many other countries deal with these realities every day. Learn these important truths that will help you combat these evil forces in your life.


Sheila English
Sheila English
Award-winning author of short stories and comic books. Telly award-winning producer and director of many book trailers.

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