PODCAST::: Author Sheila English talks Tarot with Author Lisa Kessler on Book Lights


Author Sheila English talks Tarot with Author Lisa Kessler on Book Lights


Lisa Kessler’s love for all things paranormal is showcased in over forty best-selling paranormal romance novels and thrillers. Her fiction books have been translated into French and are also available in audiobook formats. She’s a two-time San Diego Book Award winner for Best Published Fantasy-Sci-fi-Horror and Best Published Romance, and her books have also won the PRISM award, the Award of Excellence and Romance Through the Ages Award for Best Paranormal, and the Award of Merit from the Holt Medallion. Her vampire short story, Immortal Beloved was a finalist for a Bram Stoker award.

Now she’s writing her first non-fiction book, Practical Tarot, and publishing her first tarot deck through Kickstarter! You can learn more and back the project here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lisakessler/practical-tarot

You can check out tarot readings and mentoring here: metaphysicalmanifesting.net/

And for more about her fiction check out her website: http://authorlisakessler.com

And for more about our Guest Host Sheila English, check out her website here: https://sheilaenglish.com/