Book Review: But I Didn’t Say Goodbye: Helping Families After a Suicide by Barbara Rubel


But I Didn’t Say Goodbye: Helping Families After a Suicide by Barbara Rubel

Open communication among the traumatically bereaved after suicide – Insightful and valuable

Author Barbara Rubel earned her degrees in psychology and community health from Brooklyn College and is a psychologist and a thanatologist (the scientific study of death and its impact). This book is the third edition of her original work published in 1999 and adds dimensions that further enhance the value of understanding and coping with suicide. The content of this evaluable resource opens with scientific facts about suicide, and then illustrates the effect of suicide by reporting a story of Alex, an eleven-year-old boy’s response to his father’s suicide. All aspects of suicide’s impact are shared from Alex’s stance as well as his family’s response and coping, instructing how to communicate effectively when faced with difficult questions and overwhelming feelings after a death by suicide. Included in this edition are Alex’s responses 10 years after the suicide death of his father, a factor that offers additional insight on the path of response and healing with the passage of time.

Rubel’s informed writing presents an invaluable resource for those dealing with the loss by suicide of a loved one, support for a fully functional family coping with the aftermath of a suicide death written with compassion, empathy and insight. This book serves as supportive guide for individuals and families, and also a well-researched and informative resource for all healthcare providers. Very highly recommended.