PODCAST::Horror Grand Master Author Ray Garton gets Spooky on Book Lights


Horror Grand Master Author Ray Garton gets Spooky on Book Lights


Since he was eight years old, all Ray wanted to be was a writer, and since 1984, he has been fortunate enough to spend his life writing full time. He’s written over 60 books — novels and novellas in the horror and suspense genres, collections of short stories, movie novelizations and TV tie-ins — with more in the works. In 2006 he was presented with the World Horror Grand Master Award.

Ray is active on social media outlets such as Facebook and Twitter, and you can also visit his home on the internet at http://www.raygartononline.com

And for more about our host Lisa Kessler visit http://Lisa-Kessler.com

Book Lights – shining a light on good books!

Here’s a quick look at Ray’s latest release NIGHT LIFE:

When Ray Garton’s Live Girls was published in 1987, it changed the face of vampire fiction. The gritty, urban story of Davey Owen’s dark seduction and reluctant transformation into a creature of the undead has become a classic of the genre.

In Night Life, nearly two decades after battling the vampires of the Midnight Club in New York City, Davey is a marked man. He lives a quiet life in Los Angeles with the love of his life, Casey Thorne. The vampires he did not destroy back then have been hunting him ever since, eager to take their revenge—and now they have found him. For what he did to them, they are determined to make him pay with his last drop of blood. With the help of old friends and new allies, Davey and Casey must face the bloodthirsty nightmare of their past. This time, they may not have a future.