New Children’s Book Henry’s Tech Free Trip Addresses the Harmful Effects of Digital Devices


Studies suggest children suffer more from prolonged screen time than adults

Numerous studies, including one from the National Institutes of Health, suggest children are suffering physically and mentally from overuse of digital devices. In the fast-paced world of smartphones, tablets, and endless digital distractions, Henry’s Tech-Free Trip is the first and only children’s book to create a narrative around screen time and its negative effects. Authors Kylen Ribeiro and Michelle Zofrea, co-founders of Lightbody, wrote the groundbreaking book to raise awareness about the importance of not being glued to digital devices such as phones, laptops, and computers for 8-10 hours every day.

“Through our research, we found kids are more susceptible and vulnerable to the effects of electronics than adults,” Ribeiro said. “Their bodies are smaller and still developing, and their tissue is more conductive, which enables harmful signals such as cell, Wi-Fi, and 5G to negatively impact their bodies.”

The book educates children about the risks of prolonged exposure to blue light and harmful EMF radiation – the invisible energy that leaks from electronic devices. Based on Ribeiro’s experience with her 7-year-old son Vincent and his use of electronics, the story follows Henry, a child obsessed with the world of technology. With an important theme and delightful illustrations by Morgan Jennings, the book engages young readers while also equipping parents with essential tools to address the ever-prevalent challenges of today’s tech-savvy world.

Recently, Ribeiro and Zofrea were asked to read Henry’s Tech-Free Trip to a group of students, ages 6 to 12, at Riverview Montessori School in Tampa. The authors donated 60 copies of the book to the enthusiastic children and said the message was well-received.

“This generation was born into technology from day one,” Zofrea said. “It’s a whole new world now, so parental guidance is essential. The purpose of the book is to bring awareness about the effects of technology and the importance of taking time away from screens.”

Numerous studies suggest overexposure to digital devices impairs attention span, mood, memory, and focus. In addition, it increases anxiety and irritability levels in children, exacerbates ADHD, and raises cortisol levels which create inflammation in the body and can lead to many forms of chronic disease.

“We’re not trying to scare kids or parents with this book,” Ribeiro added. “We want children to recognize how they feel when they’re overexposed. We’re promoting digital wellness through the balanced use of technology.”

The dilemma of balancing technology while encouraging participation in everyday activities is one that all parents can relate to, but children will benefit from the book’s message about enjoying life without a device. Henry’s Tech Free Trip can be ordered at and is available in both hard and soft copy.

About the Authors
Kylen Ribeiro is CEO and Michelle Zofrea COO of DefenderShield, a company founded by DeBaun that makes products protecting people from the emissions of cell phones and other electronics, including Wi-Fi and 5G. These include Lightbody, the world’s first line of digital wellness supplements, and Ultra Armor, a line of privacy and security products designed to protect against digital hacking and tracking. For more information, visit