There’s a Book for That: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day


On Monday, January 15, we honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. As ever, MLK Day celebrates the life of a man who brought hope and healing to America. It’s a time to commemorate the timeless values Dr. King exemplified – courage, truth, justice, compassion, dignity, humility and service – as well as the forgiveness and nonviolence that empowered his leadership. It’s especially important for the young to learn about Dr. King’s character and contributions and the power of words. We recommend the books herein for education and inspiration for all ages.

Visit The King Center’s site here for more information.


Why We Can't Wait by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.WHY WE CAN’T WAIT by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Afterword by Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr.

Martin Luther King’s classic exploration of the events and forces behind the Civil Rights Movement-including his Letter from Birmingham Jail, April 16, 1963.





The never-before-told story of the friendship between Martin Luther King Jr. and Thich Nhat Hanh-icons who changed each other and the world.



Martin Luther King, Jr.: The Last Interview by Martin Luther King, Jr.MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.: THE LAST INTERVIEW AND OTHER CONVERSATIONS

This collection ranges from an early 1961 interview in which King describes his reasons for joining the ministry (after considering medicine), to a 1964 conversation with Robert Penn Warren, to his last interview, which was conducted on stage at the convention of the Rabbinical Assembly, just ten days before King’s assassination.


Strength to Love by Martin Luther King, Jr.STRENGTH TO LOVE: SERMONS FROM STRENGTH TO LOVE AND OTHER PREACHINGS by Martin Luther King, Jr., Coretta Scott King

The classic collection of Dr. King’s sermons that fuse his Christian teachings with his radical ideas of love and nonviolence as a means to combat hate and oppression.



"Thou, Dear God" by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.“THOU, DEAR GOD” PRAYERS THAT OPEN HEARTS AND SPIRITS by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Lewis V. Baldwin, Reverend Dr. Julius R. Scruggs

“Thou, Dear God” is the first and only collection of sixty-eight prayers by Martin Luther King, Jr. Arranged thematically in six parts–with prayers for spiritual guidance, special occasions, times of adversity, times of trial, uncertain times, and social justice–Baptist minister and King scholar Lewis Baldwin introduces the book and each section with short essays.

Part of The King Legacy series which encompasses Dr. King’s most important writings, including sermons, orations, lectures, and prayers.


Martin Luther King, Jr. by Marshall FradyMARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.: A LIFE by Marshall Frady

Marshall Frady, the reporter who became the unofficial chronicler of the civil rights movement, here re-creates the life and turbulent times of its inspirational leader. Deftly interweaving the story of King’s quest with a history of the African American struggle for equality, Frady offers fascinating insights into his subject’s magnetic character, with its mixture of piety and ambition. The result is a biography that conveys not just the facts of King’s life but the power of his legacy.


Redemption by Joseph RosenbloomREDEMPTION: MARTIN LUTHER KING JR.’S LAST 31 HOURS by Joseph Rosenbloom

Redemption draws on dozens of interviews by the author with people who were immersed in the Memphis events, features recently released documents from Atlanta archives, and includes compelling photos. Also revealed is what his assassin, James Earl Ray, was doing in Memphis during the same time and how a series of extraordinary breaks enabled Ray to construct a sniper’s nest and shoot King.




I Have a Dream by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.I HAVE A DREAM (Book & CD) by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; Illustrated by Kadir Nelson

Experience history with this picture book of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s iconic speech, including an audio CD. This Coretta Scott King Illustrator Honor Book will inspire young readers!


Dear Martin by Nic StoneDEAR MARTIN by Nic Stone

Justyce McAllister is a good kid, an honor student, and always there to help a friend-but none of that matters to the police officer who just put him in handcuffs. Despite leaving his rough neighborhood behind, he can’t escape the scorn of his former peers or the ridicule of his new classmates. Justyce looks to the teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for answers. But do they hold up anymore? He starts a journal to Dr. King to find out.


A Place to Land by Barry WittensteinA PLACE TO LAND: MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR> AND THE SPEECH THAT INSPIRED A NATION by Barry Wittenstein; Illustrated by Jerry Pinkney

As a new generation of activists demands an end to racism, A Place to Land reflects on Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech and the movement that it galvanized.


My Dream of Martin Luther King by Faith RinggoldMY DREAM OF MARTIN LUTHER KING by Faith Ringgold

Now in Dragonfly-from the acclaimed creator of the Caldecott Honor Book Tar Beach comes a personal and captivating portrait of the life of Martin Luther King, Jr.

For more information on these and related titles visit MLKJR
