PODCAST: Step into the fantastical worlds of Author Cerece Rennie Murphy on Book Lights


Step into the fantastical worlds of Author Cerece Rennie Murphy on Book Lights


Cerece Rennie Murphy is the national bestselling and award-winning author of ten novels, children’s books, and short stories. She is also the founder of Virtuous Con, an online science fiction and comic culture convention that celebrates the excellence of BIPOC creators in speculative fiction, across the mediums of fiction, comics, film, and visual arts.

Ms. Murphy is the recipient of Black Pearls Magazine’s Author of the Year Award for Children’s Literature, the National Best Sellers designation from the African American Literature Book Club (AALBC), and the Science Fiction Writers of America (SFWA)’s Kate Wilhelm Solstice Award for significant contributions to the science fiction, fantasy, and related genres community. Created in 2008, Ms. Murphy joins the ranks of distinguished previous Solstice Award winners, including Petra Mayer, Carl Sagan, Octavia Butler, and Gardner Dozois. Ms. Murphy lives and writes just outside her hometown of Washington, DC with her family.

You can find out more about her and her books at her website: https://cerecerenniemurphy.com/

And for more about our host Lisa Kessler visit http://Lisa-Kessler.com

Book Lights – shining a light on good books!

Here’s a look at Cerece’s latest release::


4000 years ago, a rebellion in the Ever brought angels to live among us.

At first, they were worshiped as gods.

But that was not enough.

And in their hunger for power,

Evil claimed their hearts

and made them demons.

Lilavois St. James rose to fight them.

As a member of the Sisters of Light, she swore an oath to use the magic of the moon to battle the demons and defend humankind.

Until one day, she met a demon and fell in love.

And I was born.

My name is Ada St. James, and these are the chronicles of how I came to be and the destiny that awaits me.