PODCAST::: Scares and Semi Trucks with Author Edo Van Belkom on Book Lights


Scares and Semi Trucks with Author Edo Van Belkom on Book Lights


Edo van Belkom is a Canadian author of some 35 books and over 300 short stories in the genres of horror, science fiction, fantasy and mystery. His short fiction has been published in countless anthologies such as Year’s Best Horror Stories, Year’s Best Erotica, Robert Bloch’s Psychos, the Hot Blood and Shock Rock series, as well as several anthologies based on RPGs. His story “Rat Food” (with David Nickle) won the Bram Stoker Award from the Horror Writers Association, and “Hockey’s Night in Canada” won the Aurora Award, Canada’s top prize for speculative fiction.

More recently, his Silver Birch and Aurora Award-winning young adult series Wolf Pack has served as the inspiration for the new Jeff Davis supernatural TV show Wolf Pack, starring Sarah Michelle Gellar, which premieres worldwide on Paramount+ in January 2023. You can learn more at: https://www.edovanbelkom.com/

And for more about our host Lisa Kessler visit http://Lisa-Kessler.com

Book Lights – shining a light on good books!

Here’s a look at Edo’s latest release Death Drives a Semi

Keep one eye on the road ahead and another on the rearview mirror.

Because, like the legendary phantom semi of this book’s titular story, these stories will creep up on you and overtake you without warning.

Edo van Belkom twists his unique perspective and droll, black sense of humor into twisted observations of the sad, violent, and ironic sides of life in this special 25th anniversary release of a compilation of his most beloved horror stories.

With a voice and range that has drawn comparisons of Robert Bloch, Richard Matheson and Stephen King, van Belkom takes the reader down a most unique highway that breaths new life into classic horror tropes, all the while maintaining the essence of the best of a combination of “The Twilight Zone” and the old E.C. horror comics of the 1950s.