“A Sound Choice” is A Must-Read Book for Better Hearing Month


Dr. Barbara Corbett, owner and audiologist at Boutique Hearing, a concierge audiology practice in Chicago, announced the release of her book “A Sound Choice” available on Amazon.com. As May is “National Speech-Language-Hearing Month”, this book is a must read for anyone who has difficulty hearing, has hearing aids, or knows someone with hearing loss.

Early Signs of Hearing Loss Can be Hard to Recognize

Because hearing loss occurs slowly over time it is common for family members or friends to notice a hearing loss before the person experiencing it. This is especially true for those with beginning stages of hearing loss as they may hear fine in quiet but struggle in groups or when there is background noise. In her book “A Sound Choice” Dr. Corbett explains how the ear and the brain work together for you to hear. If the ear is unable to send a complete speech signal to the brain the brain must work harder to hear. The extra effort leads to fatigue as well as feelings of frustration and embarrassment making social situations unenjoyable.

Untreated Hearing Loss Leads to Social Isolation and Earlier Onset of Dementia

Dr. Corbett recommends everyone have a baseline hearing test by the age of fifty. “Early treatment of hearing loss is always best,” she states, “studies have shown that untreated hearing loss leads to social isolation and an earlier onset of dementia.”

“A Sound Choice” Is Your Guide to Understanding Hearing and Hearing Loss

As an audiologist who worked in various clinics, Dr. Corbett knows that most audiologists are not allotted enough time with each patient to thoroughly explain the effects of hearing loss beyond the hearing test. Patients are also often overwhelmed by the new diagnosis and unsure of what questions to ask. Dr. Corbett wrote “A Sound Choice” to help the reader truly understand their hearing loss, its effects on their brain, and all the options available to improve their hearing from communication strategies to hearing aids and assistive listening devices. Having this knowledge will prepare the reader to talk with their audiologist.

Book available on Amazon.com: A Sound Choice: Your Almost Unbiased Guide to Better Hearing – Kindle edition by Barbara Corbett Au.D.

Email: boutiquehearing@gmail.com
Website: www.boutiquehearing.com
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