Banned Book Week Virtual Read Out



The American Library Association is celebrating 30-years of promoting the “Freedom to Read”. This year, as in 2011, the ALA is using social media to spread it’s message against censorship. Readers worldwide are invited to participate in a “Banned Books Week Virtual Read-Out on YouTube.”

From the ALA’s website:

“To participate virtually in the 30th anniversary celebration of Banned Books Week, Sept. 30 – Oct.6. Participants may proclaim the importance of the freedom to read by posting videos that will be featured on a dedicated Banned Books Week Virtual Read-Out YouTube channel.

Instructions on how libraries can participate in the event can be found on the  How your library can participate in the Banned Books Week Virtual Read-out! page. If your organization will host a Banned Books Virtual Read-Out, consider using this free promotional poster.

Video criteria

  • Videos (no more than two minutes long) can be submitted by anyone as long as it includes a reading of a banned or challenged book. The videomust include information on where and why the book was banned or challenged. You may also wish to add your thoughts on the importance of keeping that particular book on library or bookstore shelves.
  • Videos of up to three minutes long can be submitted giving eyewitness accounts of local challenges.
  • For those who are camera shy, you can still participate in the Banned Books Virtual Read-out by creating a video montage that centers on banned/challenged books. Thomas University created a video last year that can be used as an example.

Submitting your video

Submit your video by filling out this form. You must have a YouTube/Gmail account in order to upload to YouTube.