Author James Patterson to Fund Libraries


download (2)Bestselling author James Patterson, has pledged a donation of $1.25 million  to support American school libraries. The donation will be made via a grant program through the website of publisher Scholastic, Inc. and their Reading Club Division. Grants from $1,000 – $10,000 are available through the program. The funds can be used for not only books, but anything related to the library.

Scholastic, Inc. will be matching Patterson’s funds with what they call ‘bonus points’. These points can be used to “buy classroom materials via the publisher”. Additional information can be found on Scholastic’s website. 

Patterson said in  press release:

We’re at a pivotal moment in our history. School libraries are shutting their doors left and right, despite the fact that it’s more important than ever for a child to grow up with a school librarian.

I know that you understand the value of reading and work to give your students access to books. Together, let’s support school libraries.

With your help, we can embark on a crusade to get kids reading more books.

The program was actually begun in the U.K. last year when Patterson made a similar donation during World Book Day to support U.K. school libraries.Â