Cleaning Up Book Language


headerfinaliconresizedIf you’d rather not read profanity in your books, well, there’s an app for that. The Clean Reader app from Page Foundry will block curse words in your eBooks. Created by Jared and Kirsten Maughan, the app zeroes in on “the F-word, the S-word, the names of divine beings and racial insults.”

The app actually comes with ‘clean settings’ so the reader can determine how much language they want blocked. Here are details from the developers website:

“The “Clean” setting only blocks major swear words from display.  This includes all uses of the F-word we could find.  The “Cleaner” setting blocks everything that “Clean” blocks plus more.  “Squeaky Clean” is the most restrictive setting and will block the most profanity from a book including some hurtful racial terms.  We recommend readers start reading a book with one of the settings and see what they think?  If they’re on the “Clean” setting and there’s still too many swear words being displayed on the screen in your opinion, then change to the “Cleaner” or “Squeaky Clean” setting and see which one works best for you.”

Many readers claim however, that this app is censorship and violates copyright, or at least undermines the authors intentions. According to their website, they have no violated and copyrights and are just offering readers, particularly those with younger readers the opportunity to have a ‘cleaner language’ read.

The Clean Reader app is available for free in both Apple and Droid/Google formats.