November is National Novel Writing Month


nanoNational Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is half over. Beginning nearly 18 years ago, writers are challenged to complete a 50,000 word draft of a novel in just 30-days. Each year nearly 350,000 authors participate. Those accepting the challenge sign-up at the website and receive writing prompts, encouragement, badges for participating and making word counts.

Through the years, November’s NaNoWriMo, has launched many writing careers. Grant Faulkner, Executive Director notes, “We’re a tiny nonprofit, so we can’t truly track all of the NaNoWriMo novels that have been published­—so, we rely on authors to tell us.”

There is a form for those participating in the writing to report if they have published, or received a publishing contract for their NaNoWriMo projects. The NaNoWriMo group, does “currently list 449 traditionally published novels that began as NaNoWriMo projects. At least 80 of those books ended up at the Big Five publishers.”

There is still time to make whatever word count you set up for yourself, and finish that book, diary or screenplay. Head to their website for details and to register.