Sheltering in with Amanda McIntyre



Tell us, briefly, what your quarantine is like, what you’re doing.

A project that C.H. Admirand and I have spoken about for a few years now, has finally come to fruition in the form of a cookbook that we’re releasing very soon called A Taste of Gratitude and Joy-Tried and true comfort recipes. It has been a blast strolling down memory lane and discovering through stories of these recipes from friends and relatives—some funny, others poignant–how very much two women, one the east coast and one in the Heartland, actually have in common with one another.

This collaboration, particularly at this time, has reminded us of our relatives in other eras—the struggles and obstacles they endured and indeed had to overcome—emerging better people in the process. This1587390617 determination to overcome the obstacles is the very inspiration for both C.H. and I in our fiction writing and as it turns out are the very attributes that inspired us to share this cookbook now. For a time, a portion of the proceeds will go to FEEDING AMERICA.ORG.

Also, having a dh work at the hospital, a son working in a bio lab, and another in the construction supply business can be a bit unnerving, but it;s no different than the other brave people working on the frontlines in retail positions, fire, police and EMS Rescue, construction supply & workers, clinics, and so many others. My sincere thanks to all of the dedicated folks out there keeping our world running.

We’d like to know one of the best things about quarantine and one of the worst.

Best thing:
Having all this time at home to do the things you haven’t had time to do.

Worst thing:
Not being able to hold my grandsons whom I previously watched nearly every day.

Impromptu dinner with friends or family

Missing out on family milestone moments in real time

My daughter reminded me though of a meme she saw that said, “Let’s stay apart so that when we do get together, everyone will be there.” Good advice.

How are you doing business?  How are you staying entertained?

Business — Producing a cookbook was a lot more detail work than I had anticipated, but learning, stretching my parameters has been fun and educational, many thanks to the folks at Killion Publishing (Thanks, Jenn and Kim!)

There are three family members still working full time in “essential” areas, so even family get togethers have been moved to Saturday night family night on social media. It’s great to be able to see each other in real time, if only on a screen. I’m enjoying virtual studies with a great group of women in my Bible study. And face time with grandkids and friends has become an essential component to daily life.

I’m diving deeper into God’s word, certainly pray more often and the list has gotten very long. I’m sending out more hand-written cards and letters than I have in a long while. Bingeing Netflix shows and we’ve dusted off the board games (my dh and I) and have taken walks, taken long drives for change of scenery, played a lot of the card game Nerts, Cribbage, Splendor and I made a “believe” faery garden from an old radio flyer wagon. I have recently added a cruiser bike to my life as well!

And to my great joy, my potted dwarf lilac on my deck is sprouting new leaves!

Is there anything you’d recommend people do, see or read? Or some inspirational something you’d like to say? It’s up to you whether you’d like to add more.

Most days, if you don’t have to get out, it’s easy to almost psyche yourself into thinking that’s it’s just another day. You get to stay home and get “caught up.” (Remember all those things you once complained you wish you had a day at home to get done?) Then you turn on the television and akin to a tsunami, the overload of information and news sweeps in and it can become overwhelming.

For me I am clinging to a particular bible passage, a favorite always, but with renewed meaning for me now—Philippians 4: 6-7 “Be anxious for nothing but in everything in prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God and the peace that passes all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus!”

There is a lot going on, no question. Praying, helping out where you can, whether a food bank, making masks, having group online meetings. We’re human and worry is real, even for the most devout of us. But being eaten alive by worry isn’t what God wants for us. It’s about trusting, it’s about real conversations with God and its hopefully about becoming better people through all of this. I kind of stand in agreement with Dolly Parton in this when she says,” We’re going to be okay.”

A Taste of Gratitude & Joy-Tried and True Comfort Recipes by Amanda McIntyre and C.H. Admirand


Amanda McIntyre and C.H. Admirand’s common love for home, family, tradition, and overcoming obstacles is the true inspiration for their fiction writing. In this special cookbook dedicated to gathering our families close and getting through this global pandemic together, East Coast meets the Heartland with a delicious collection to inspire making your own memories and in the process bring you a Taste of Gratitude and Joy!

Published internationally in print, eBook, and Audio, bestselling author Amanda McIntyre finds inspiration from the American Heartland that she calls home. Best known for her Kinnison Legacy cowboys and Last Hope Ranch series, her passion is writing emotional, character-driven small town contemporary western, historical, women’s fiction, and Celtic fantasy. Amanda truly believes that no matter what, love will always find a way.

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