Guest Post: Spring Cleaning Guide: 6 Ways to Refresh Your Home this Spring By Lesley Morrison


How do you take your home from winter cozy to spring zest? Here are some tips for welcoming the magic of the new season.

You can feel the magic stirring. You can hear life as it re-awakens. Spring has arrived. and with it an irrepressible desire for something new, exciting, and fresh! If you’re also super-obsessed with the world of interiors, this is an exciting time to change things up in your home and refresh your space for spring. It’s totally normal to crave change at this time of year, and here are some easy ways to get new energy flowing in your home right now.

Get Organized!
You knew I would say that, and for good reason! Cleaning and organizing is the most potent form of house magic there is. Why? Because letting go of the old to welcome the new is a key to manifesting things that have been waiting to find you. Doing a spring refresh by decluttering and cleaning away outdated “stuff” is as much a psychological and emotional process as it is a seasonal task. It’s easy to get caught up in “nesting” over winter, and it’s not very likely we will let things go when we feel comfortable. Spring, however, gets the energy roaring again and is the best time to take a serious look at your house for a seasonal refresh. Be willing to let go of whatever has lost its luster or no longer fits your current lifestyle, like old clothes, broken dishes, and even bad relationships!

Wait until you have completed this crucial step before bringing out new things to decorate with. Covering up the old with the new never works for long, and you will notice the same energy drag reappearing sooner rather than later!

Modern Living Room with Plants

The most powerful way to follow up on all that decluttering work is to cleanse. Cleansing can mean many things, from washing walls and mirrors to space clearing with smoke, but both ways are equally effective if you incorporate proper visualization into what you do. When we actively cleanse our space, we are consciously removing old, negative, or otherwise unhelpful energies from our lives. This is powerful house magic and creates room for new opportunities to start flowing in. You might find this particularly helpful at the entryway to your home, where we tend to leave things piled up and left otherwise arrayed. Keeping the front door area clean and clear has amazing results, and ensures good things have room to enter.

If you’re going to try space clearing with smoke, or cleansing with soap and water, don’t forget to add some visualizations to really make an impact. Imagine what it is you want to dispel and give it form. Try picturing negative energy as black smoke or heavy mud and clearly see yourself washing it away—off the walls, and out the windows and doors.

Modern Living Room Wall

Color Therapy
There’s no better way to change the energy in a room, or an entire house, than by swapping colors! Spring is a time for lightening things up, so think about ditching those dark and cozy colors that kept you warm all winter for something bright, bold, and uplifting. Whether you’re up for a spring paint job or just want to change out the throw cushions, new colors give an instant pick-me-up that everyone in the home will feel. We all respond to colors in unique ways, so make sure you’re picking spring colors you can vibe with.

Some favorite colors for 2023 include coral, mint green, pale pink, pistachio, and pale shades of yellow. Green shades will always be energizing, so try different ways to incorporate green into your home—even if you’re just using plants. For the bolder types out there, this year’s Pantone color is Viva Magenta. Let’s see you have some fun with that one!

Move Furniture
Sometimes the best way to clear stagnant energy and make room for change is simply to move things around and shake things up a bit. Moving furniture can have tremendous impact on a room and changes the overall flow of your home’s energy. With the coming of warmer weather, you probably won’t be curled up on the sofa quite so much. Use this refreshing spring energy to make your home more open and airy, and think about paring down the extra pillows and throw blankets one the final chilly nights of winter have passed.

Let the Outside In
Now is the time to let new Chi breeze into your house and sweep away the stand-still vibes of a long winter. Open windows daily and let natural light beam indoors. If you’re not already a plant person, consider bringing in some new plants to rejuvenate your space for spring. If you can’t do live plants due to curious critters or allergies, even silk plants lend a beautiful natural feel to any room needing a spring refresh.

Man Writing in Journal

Set Your Intent
When working on any of these spring refresh ideas for your home, think about what you’d like to manifest in your life and write it down. This is my favorite practice and meditation to do when cleaning and clearing space, and I find it works exceptionally well when working on a front entryway. By knowing what you hope to invite through the door, you’ll be better able to visualize it during your spring refresh.

You can apply this same principle when changing up your home’s décor, too, and energetically prepare the space for what you’re hoping it will be. If you want an open, airy and soothing new bedroom, map out what that’s going to look like, feel like, and what you might need to change to make that happen.

No matter how you celebrate spring, it’s the perfect time to give your home a little boost with the magical energy now at your command. Take the time to really decide where you want your home to function better and get to work now turning your home into a haven. If you need more ways to make a magical home this spring, check out my book In the Spirit of Home: Practical Ways to Create Your Perfect Haven, and take your home from so-so to sanctuary!

Here’s a look at Lesley’s latest release IN THE SPIRIT OF HOME:

Find Balance, Fulfillment, and Magic through Home Design

Turn your space into an extension of your energy that harmonizes with your deepest needs. Bridging the worlds of design, spirituality, and psychological health, Lesley A. Morrison’s unique room-by-room approach helps you find the right solutions for your home. Through practical exercises and techniques, you will learn how to clear physical and energetic clutter, fill a room with meaningful decor, and incorporate color, scent, and sound to optimize well-being. You will also discover the best ways to utilize lighting, plants, crystals, and more for a magical home that will nurture you and your family for years to come.


Lesley Morrison is a kitchen designer on Vancouver Island, Canada, and has been working with the world of interiors for nearly two decades. Her passion for interiors has merged with her love of nature producing an approach to design that is both spiritual and practical. While most of her time is spent creating dream kitchens for her clients, she works closely with people looking to create meaningful spaces in and around their homes.